
Class list Still under development

Class Description
Assets Displays css, js or images.
Autoloader Autoloading class.
Cache This class provides several functions to cache data.
Config This class load configuration files that comes in JSON format.
Date A class to work with dates.
Db Simple database class to work with mysql databases using the php mysqli implementation.
Debug A class that provides several debug methods.
File A class that provides several methods to work with files and folders.
Ftp A class that provides several methods to work with ftp.
Language The Lang class allows you to set language variables using language files in your application. Multi-language support and placeholders are supported. Works with file or database.
LPF The LightPHPFramework (LPF) core class.
Mail A simple class to send mails.
Math Math class.
Security This class provides several methods to reduce vulnerabilities.
Str This class provides several string methods that helps you to work with strings.
Validation This class provides several validation methods.
View Include given template file.