
Validation Class

The Validation class helps you validate user input.


To start validation you need to create an object.

	$validate = new Validation();

Now run the Validation with this simple line:

	$response = $validate->run('invalid@mail', 'my_email', 'email');

The first parameter is your input, the second the name (field name), the third is the validation rule.
You can also add your own error message with the optional fourth parameter.

You'll retrieve now a boolean (true or false). If you retrieve a 'false', you can also get the error message object:


run($input, $field, $rules, $optional_value = null, $error_message = null)

Read a directory and return containing filenames as array.

Static no
Parameters Parameter Type Default Description
$input string Value that should be validate.
$field string Name of the field that contains given value.
$rules mixed The set of validation rules with (optional) rule parameters. Rules are separated with a pipe symbol (|), or as a array of rules.
$pattern string null Optional value. Will be used by validation rule regex.
$optional_value mixed null Optional value. Will be used by several validation rules like min_length.
$error_message mixed null Custom error message. Messages are separated with a pipe symbol (|), or as a array of Messages. If not set, default message will be used.

Rules table

Rule Description
alpha Allow alphabetical character
alpha_numeric Allow alphanumeric characters
numeric Allow numerical characters
integer Allow integer characters
float Allow float characters
email Allow valide e-mail address.
required Given input is required (not empty)
min_length Given input has min length (optional value required!)
max_length Given input has max length (optional value required!)
exact_length Given input has required (optional value required!)
regex Given input validate based on given regular expression

Combine rules

You can also combine rules to validate your incoming data. Just separate the rules with a pipe symbol (|), or as a array of rules.

	$response = $validate->run('invalid@mail', 'my_email', 'required|email');

	// or
	$response = $validate->run( 'invalid@mail', 'my_email', array('required', 'email'));

Customize your error messages

If you want to customize your error messages, you can add this as fourth parameter.
You can also use different error messages for the different rules you use.
Separate your error messages with a pipe symbol (|), or as a array of error messages.

The code below is in compact format
	$response = $validate->run(
		'Invalid email address given!'

	// or
	$response = $validate->run(
		'E-Mail is required.|The given e-mail is not a valid e-mail address.'

	// or
	$response = $validate->run(
			'E-Mail is required.',
			'The given e-mail is not a valid e-mail address.'

E-Mail validation example

Here is a complete example for you:
Just copy the code below, name the file 'example.php', paste the code and call it like it is written:



$validate = new Validation();
$response = $validate->run($_GET['email'], 'my_email', 'required|email');

if ($response === false)

Regex validaten example

Here is a complete example for you:
Just copy the code below, name the file 'example.php', paste the code and call it like it is written:



$value = '#Username';
$regex = '/^[ _a-z0-9öüäÖÜÄß9öüäß?!@.+*-]{1,50}$/i';

$validate = new Validation();
$response = $validate->run($value, 'username', 'required|regex',$regex);

if ( ! $response)